Serving Wisconsin and Beyond
We at Supportable Solutions believe that to best care for and support the development of all individuals, we need to shift the paradigm away from behaviorism and compliance-driven interventions and towards present-day approaches that are current with what we know now. When we know better, we need to do better! This means moving towards strength-based approaches that are relationship-driven, neuroscience-aligned, trauma-sensitive and neurodiversity-affirming.
If you are a change maker, trying to support this paradigm shift in your school, home, or community, we hope these resources provide you with some comfort that you are not alone and the reassurance that you are on the right path!
Together we can make the change that’s so desperately needed.
Resources Supporting The Shift Away From Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
Invisible Abuse: ABA and the things only autistic people can see
Pervasive Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest in Applied Behavior Analysis Autism Literature
The Great Big ABA Opposition Resource List
Evidence of increased PTSD symptoms in autistics exposed to applied behavior analysis
2020 has not been a good year for ABA: A research review
Autism and Behaviorism: New Research Adds to an Already Compelling Case Against ABA
Resolution Opposing Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
ABA Therapy is abuse | an autistic’s thoughts on ABA
The new ABA textbook, and why there are serious concerns
The Most Popular Therapy for Autism Might Also Be the Most Harmful by Kristina Artuković
Only An Ancient Science Can Save Your Child…!
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
900 ABA Professionals Have Weighed in on the Use of Electroshock at Judge Rotenberg Center
Resources Supporting The Shift Away From Behaviorism, Punishment, & Rewards
Why Rewards & Punishment Don’t Work
Behaviour Management Programs are Harmful & Ableist
The Effects of Behavior-Based Models on Neurodevelopment and Learning with Alfie Kohn & Prof.
Episode 122: The Serious Problems with “Behavior Management” Approaches
Which Is Better, Rewards or Punishments? Neither
Why Positive Reinforcement Isn’t So Positive: Troubling Questions About Behaviorism with Alfie Kohn
Can Rewards and Consequences Make Kids’ Behavior Challenges Worse?
The Serious Problems with “Behavior Management” Approaches
Beyond Behaviorism: A New Lens for Assessing Behavior
Bringing Functional Behavioral Assessment Into the 21st Century
The Dark Side of Rewards: Why Incentives Do More Harm Than Good in the Classroom